My kids have been sick on and off since December 31st and I am OVER it. At one point there were three different people on antibiotics. I ended up buying like 15 new toothbrushes so I could keep changing the kids toothbrushes due to strep. We’re finally mostly healthy.
Since I am forgetful, I write everything down. Everytime I gave someone a fever reducer, I was scribbling on scrap papers to know when the next dose should be. I know families with medical issues keep records in planners, etc. I didn’t need that. I needed something to just keep track for the few weeks that everyone was sick. This medicine tracker is made to conveniently write down when each kid had fever reducer so you don’t have to try to get your fog-brain to remember at 2am when someone is crying.

This printable is made to be used in a couple of ways. I have a little 3M laminator. I laminated it, stuck some magnets to the back and next time I need to track the kids medicine doses, I can easily keep it on the fridge and use a dry erase marker on it. You could also put it in a plastic sleeve protector and dry erase on that to re-use it. I created the document so that it wouldn’t be too wasteful to use a new one each time, because you can track four days on each sheet that prints. If you are extra earth conscious, you could even print on the backside and get 8 days on one sheet of paper.
I added this printable PDF to my Google Drive and you can print it there! Just click the photo below and you can access it. I hope this sheet is helpful for your family, because it is ROUGH when the kids are sick and the last thing you should have to worry about is overdosing on the Ibprofen! Let me know in the comments if you like this as is. I prefer the smaller size to take up less room, but I do have a larger size I could share, too. I just went with what I felt would be useful and usable for me!

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