I can’t say enough about getting your kids outside. They need it for the space to be wild and I need the fresh air! They always go to sleep better at night after a couple of hours of playing and exploring outside.
All that being said: the outside toys were driving me CRAZY. The tricycles were parked next to the lawnmower, there were sharp tools next to the kids’ gardening stuff. Bubbles, balls, and sidewalk chalk all in differently sized bins or just thrown on shelves.
If you know me in real life, then you know I am a born procrastinator. YOU GUYS, I TOTALLY FIXED THIS IN ONE DAY. (By this I mean this particular mess, not being a procrastinator: that’s a lifelong struggle!) I decided on Easter Sunday, after being outside with my boys plus cousins that I was going to organize the outside toys. THE NEXT DAY I went to Target and bought bins. I got four milk crate style bins and two big plastic bins with lids. That afternoon, I organized the garage as much as I could (I left some bigger things that I couldn’t move alone.)

Here is what I did with our stuff:
- milk crate 1: nature exploration: butterfly nets and bug house
- milk crate 2: rocket launcher, parachute, bowling set
- milk crate 3: velcro tennis ball catch games
- milk crate 4: water toys: splash balls, water table accessories, assorted cups and strainers
- large bin 1: assorted balls
- large bin 2: sports equipment: t-ball set, baseball mitts, golf sets, soccer balls
- on shelf: bubbles, sidewalk chalk (both in containers I already had)
- in kid’s wheelbarrow: gardening gloves, spades, old seeds, rakes
- in “parking spots” : wagon, tricycles, scooter, bike

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