We’ve all been there. You get in your car, check to make sure you have everything, and realize you left your mask in the house. Or you’re in the parking lot at the grocery store and ready to scream because you’ve got to go back home for it. Ugh. Fall is coming and there is no end in sight yet of the pandemic. (I say “yet” because I am an eternal optimist!) Face masks and hand sanitizer are as necessary for leaving the house now as our phone and keys!
It is becoming routine, but I am a big fan of reminders. I am forgetful by nature, so I rely on lists and reminders for everything. I’m in the middle of creating some kind of mask organizer for our laundry/mud room because we have three different sizes of masks in our family, and I thought it would be fun to create a fall themed reminder to go on the wall with it! Who says reminders can’t be cute? Confession: it drives me bonkers when I am at a restaurant or store and they don’t have cute signage. I made this PDF using Canva, which is awesome, but so many people could create a cute sign reminding people not to put their feminine products in the toilet with basic word processors! Right? I’m right. Find some employee with a little creativity!
Click the picture below to The Mother Lode Printables Library to print your own sign for your home!

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