I hate spending extra money on something that I can make just as well (or better) myself. I also tend to forget birthdays because I never pay attention to what the date is. (Which means I need to get a card ASAP.) As such, I have been making handmade birthday cards (and Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Anniversary, you name it, I’ve made it.) Since my boys were taking good naps today, I ran downstairs and made this super fun birthday card! (For my friend whose birthday was five days ago. I know; I’m terrible.)
A few years ago, my mom gave me a light table and some embossing materials. She had them sitting in a drawer for a long time. I remember her using them one year to make our family Christmas cards. It would be great to use it to make Christmas cards, but we just have such a large family that it would take weeks to get them all made! Instead, I figured out how to make my own embossing plates! First, you will need some paperboard, preferably a bit thicker than a cereal box. You can also use an old plastic lid from a container like a sour cream container. Use a pencil or pen to write the image you would like to have. If you don’t want to write it out yourself, you could also print the words in bold using whatever font you like in a word processor.
Next, use an x-acto knife to cut out the design you created. It takes some time and effort, but it is worth it because then you will have the image to easily emboss whenever you would like!
Once your fingers are ready to fall off, you are probably finished.
Put it on the light table (or a sunny window) upside down.
Place your paper over the design. Make sure you have it lined up properly.
Now, use the embossing stylus to press the design into the paper. Be careful not to press too hard or you may rip the paper. Once you have pressed with the embossing stylus, turn over your work and say “Ta-da!”
You can leave it as is, paint it, or you can use some oil pastel to bring out the design as I did here.
Now my card is ready to be mailed to my friend!
Neat! I need to get back into sending out birthday cards too!