My 4 and 5 year olds love to play Uno. It is pretty easy to understand and they love to give mommy and daddy the “draw 4 wild card.” It usually takes at least 15 minutes to play a round of Uno, which is a wonderful way for us to increase our kids’ attention spans. My 4 year old in particular struggles with this. He always needs to be doing something. It is beneficial for him to play a longer game to help him increase his ability to focus. If you remember playing this game as a kid, pick it up for your own! You might be surprised with how much they like it!
Eye Found It
There are several versions of this game. We have the Disney board game version and the card game version. The card game version is so great for kids even as young as 3. Each player gets 5 cards. On each card is a Disney scene. On the back of each card is an item to find in the scenes. The player that finds the item first among the scenes on their cards gets rid of that card by flipping it over to reveal the next item to find. Gameplay continues until someone gets rid of all their cards. It is such a fun game for preschoolers!
Go Fish

We have a set of fish cards to play this game. The kids like it, but I will say this is a hard one to play the way it is intended with their little hands, because they can’t really hold all of their cards. They don’t get the concept as well since they have all their own cards sitting out for the world to see and quite a bit of cheating goes on! It is still a fun game to play together, and they like it. You can play with regular playing cards, too.
Crazy Eights
I LOVE crazy eights. It was the first card game I learned how to play and I have many memories of playing with my beloved grandmother at her house. I taught my 5 year old how to play and he likes it, too! It is basically Uno with regular cards. To play you discard by matching the number or suit with the top card on the deck. Eights are “CRAZY” (AKA wild). First player to discard their hand wins! We have a cute Paw Patrol set of cards that they like to play this with.
Match Game
Match games are good for teaching kids to take turns and to pay attention. Our Disney Cars version is annoying because many of the pictures look so similar that we take about half of the cards out every time and it is still a challenge. Maybe I can find a better one for someone’s Easter basket. Comment below if you have a good match card game!
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