Well, January is nearly over, and I am just now being semi-serious about getting exercise. Mostly because my pants are still tight around the middle and I don’t feel like buying new pants. Because, well, dressing rooms. Fluorescent lights. The horror! In any case as I prepared for my workout this morning I chuckled about the extra steps needed when you have little kids roaming around the house. I thought other people could use a laugh also, so:
Steps to Getting a Workout (Young motherhood edition)
1.) Put baby to sleep for nap, if at all possible! (Whenever I try to workout with the baby he just wants to crawl on me!)
2.) Force other children to use the bathroom.
3.) Change out of pajamas into semi-clean workout outfit. (which may or may not consist of stretch pants from your high school Colorguard uniform.)
4.) Use the bathroom yourself and put a panty liner in because you have had multiple children and your bladder always loses the battle against jumping jacks.
5.) Turn on workout routine on the TV amidst begging to watch The Magic School Bus.
6.) Get some water because you may not survive this.
7.) Shove toys out of the way and miss the first 30 seconds of warm up, but you are NOT rewinding.
8.) Sweat from beginning to end since this is your first workout in a week. Or two.
9.) Stop in the middle several times to find a random toy/get child off table/solve toy dispute.
10.) Success! The baby did not wake up, even though you shook the house with your jumping. QUICK, GET A SHOWER BEFORE THE BABY AWAKES.
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